Track the progress towards implementing the recommendations in Health Canada's plan to improve care and support for people with pain
An Action Plan for Pain in Canada
An Action Plan for Pain in Canada
Track the progress towards implementing the recommendations in Health Canada's plan to improve care and support for people with pain
The Canadian Pain Task Force was established in 2019 to provide advice to the federal government toward an improved approach for the prevention and management of chronic pain in Canada. Health Canada published its final report, An Action Plan for Pain in Canada, in May of 2021. This interactive tool was developed by Pain Canada to monitor the implementation of the Action Plan’s 150+ recommendations, which fall under six overarching goals.
In assessing the progress of each recommendation, Pain Canada consulted with relevant governments, organizations, researchers, pain advocates with professional and lived expertise, and many other stakeholders. The status of each recommendation is labeled as either ‘Not Started’ (with no known action taken to implement it), ‘In Progress’ (with initiatives underway towards eventual completion), ‘Ongoing’ (with initiatives underway towards an open-ended goal), or ‘complete’. Take a look at how far Canada has come in the implementation of the Action Plan and how much farther we still need to go.
In Progress
Not Started
The Canadian Pain Task Force was established in 2019 to provide advice to the federal government toward an improved approach for the prevention and management of chronic pain in Canada. Health Canada published its final report, An Action Plan for Pain in Canada, in May of 2021. This interactive tool was developed by Pain Canada to monitor the implementation of the Action Plan’s 150+ recommendations, which fall under six overarching goals.
In assessing the progress of each recommendation, Pain Canada consulted with relevant governments, organizations, researchers, pain advocates with professional and lived expertise, and many other stakeholders. The status of each recommendation is labeled as either ‘Not Started’ (with no known action taken to implement it), ‘In Progress’ (with initiatives underway towards eventual completion), ‘Ongoing’ (with initiatives underway towards an open-ended goal), or ‘complete’. Take a look at how far Canada has come in the implementation of the Action Plan and how much farther we still need to go.